Archive for lapkričio 2013




Kartais gyvenimas suveda žmones ne tam, kad jie būtų kartu, o tam, kad po kurio laiko išskirtų…Vieną dieną sutinkate žmogų, kuris nubraukia visą iki tol buvusį jūsų gyvenimą. Jūs tokie panašūs, galite kalbėti valandų valandas, jūs ir skirtingi, todėl galite mokytis vienas iš kito…Jūs laimingi… O po kurio laiko likimas jus išskiria. Ir kiekvienas toliau gyvenate savo atskirą gyvenimą… Bet vakarais, vienatvės valandomis, laikas akimirkai sustoja. Prisimenate viską: šypseną, spindinčias akis, susitikimus, kurių laukdavote lyg šventės, nesibaigiančius pokalbius, pažadus, svajones, tą beprotišką nenugalimą norą apsikabinti ir būti… būti taip amžinai… Ir tokiomis akimirkomis suprantate, kad šis žmogus visam laikui liks jūsų širdyje. Galite gyventi skirtinguose miestuose, nesimatyti dienomis ar mėnesiais, bet jūs visada prisiminsite vienas kitą ir kada nors, kai jūs netikėtai susitiksite, širdis suspurdės iš laimės, o skruostu nutekės ašara…



People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that’s bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they’re afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they’re wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It’s all in how you carry it. That’s what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you’re letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain.




I would want to be able to call the whole world my home. I don't ever want to have to settle down in one and the same place. I want to discover the world and I want the world to discover me. I want to be in no need of luxuries. I want to live simple. I want to own as few things as possible. I want to be rich in other things than money. I want to be healthy. I want to work my way trough the world and never have to stay in the same place longer than I want to. I want to learn new things everyday. I want to have deep, meaningful, conversations with strangers. I want to teach important things to people that don't know them. I want to talk to children and try to understand their world. I want to help people all over the world, with whatever they need help with. I want to be amazed everyday. I want to do everything I'm scared of doing. I want to see everything worth seeing. I want to receive equal to what I give. I want my heart to be in everything I do. I want to laugh everyday. I want to be free to cry whenever needed. I want music to surround me all the time. I want to loose myself in breathtaking books that lets me escape the world for a while. I want to always move forward. I want no destination, I only want the journey. I want to be able to pause and enjoy everything I do. I want to love, a lot. And I want to put that love into someone else. And I want that love to mean something. I want it to be important. I want to fall in love with places. I want to fall in love with all the seas, meadows and mountains in the world. I want beautiful views. I want to live wild and crazy. I want to live on the edge. I want to live and not just survive. I want to feel that I'm alive. I want to live every second of my life. I want to be forever young and I want to grow old and wise. I want to be surrounded by people and I want to have my alone time. I don't ever want to feel lonely. I want to be strong enough to be on my own. I don't want to have my heart broken and I don't want to break anyone else's. I want people to remember me and I want them to miss me. I don't ever want to have to leave people behind, If I do, I always want to come back. I want it to be bright and light. I want no darkness. I want moments that takes my breath away and makes my heart stop. I want to be awesome. I want to feel good. I want to love myself. I want to be proud of who I am. I want to fail and I want to succeed. And I want to learn from it, from everything. I want to be someone's first choice. I want to change at least one life. I want my time on earth to mean something. I don't want to be afraid to feel. I want to feel excited everyday. I don't want to be afraid to hear the truth. I want the lies only when it's absolutely necessary. I don't ever want to loose myself along the way. I always want to be a hundred percent me. I want to believe in forever and I want to prove that I'm right. I want to someday touch the sky. I want to fly. I want to dream big. And I want to succeed. I want more hellos than goodbyes. I don't ever want to have to say farewell. I want to feel free. I want to live free. I want to be a good friend. I want to have good friends. I want people to be able to trust me. And I want to learn how to trust people back. I can take bad days, as long as it is a good life. I can take the rain, as long as there is sunshine. All I want, is for me not to be a bad person. I want moonlight, sunsets, sunrises, deep blue oceans, waterfalls, adrenaline, moped rides, empty freeways, high speed, the wind in my face, long walks, sand between my toes, a lot of good junk food, big cities, small villages, colors, happiness. Most of all I want to be happy and I want that feeling to feel like home. I want to do whatever I want, wherever I want, whenever I want to. And I want to do it for me. I want to live my life for no other than myself. Because that would be enough.